SlipperyBean Terms and Conditions 2022

We always try to make things easy, that includes all the terms and conditions and legal stuff. If you don’t understand something please ask our support team. We have done away with the tiny small print that most websites use and introduces a simple set of conditions that are fair and simple to understand..

Simple Terms & Condition — Key Points

You keep ownership of all your photos & videos but you must be over 18 & you must not abuse our services.

See, not too bad :-)


Our Privacy Policy

We do not store any information that we don’t need to run your account. We also do not sell your information to anyone, ever!

We are proud to announce we comply fully with the strict European Union GDPR privacy regulations, you can find our updated privacy policy here. is a business based in the UK, regulated and governed by the laws of England & Wales. By applying for a website, free or paid, accepted or rejected, you must accept and agree to be bound by these conditions in their entirety. If you do not accept these conditions please DO NOT USE OUR SERVICES.



Your Agreement

  • I confirm that I am over 18, and all pictures or videos of me were taken when I was over 18.


  • I agree to supply with a valid and acceptable sexy fansign when requested. 
  • I understand and agree that I can host adult content only if I am actually the person featuring in the content. I also understand that I need to own the copyright on all content I upload to any servers.


  • I understand and agree that I will not use the services provided by to do anything unlawful in my country, the United States or the United Kingdom. Or to use said services to cause adverse effect to or other users or visitors.


  • I understand and agree that I can not use the services provided by as an image / video dump and/or hot-link any content from servers.


  • I understand and agree that I may be asked to upgrade if I get more than 5000 hits a day regularly, or start using so much bandwidth that it causes a detrimental effect to other users..


  • I understand and agree that if I breach this agreement, or do not login to my website for a period of three months or more, my website, account and any associated data may be subject to deletion without warning.



  • I understand and accept that all chargeable services must be fully paid for in advance, before activation of said services. In respect of invoices for renewal of services, payment must be made, in full, seven days before services are to be renewed. Failure to pay due invoices, for any reason, may result in suspension of services as well as forfeiture of any special pricing or offers.


  • I understand that clients may request cancellation of their services at any time. Providing a minimum of seven days notice. No refunds will be given for any service or part service not used.


  • If you are going away, or want to take a break, you can pause your account at any time. Just contact our team and we will do everything for you. While your account is pause, your page or website will not be available and you will not use any of the time you have paid for.


  • Monthly payment is available on all plans, however please note, a credit card on file or valid subscription is required.


  • In the event of a chargeback, a fee of $100 dollars will be added to your final invoice and become payable by you. We will also freeze your account, until this (and the original debt) is paid in full. If you have an active page, your email address or other contact details may be removed. Your images and other I.P will revert to the ownership of after a period of 6 months, if the outstanding amount is not paid.




  • I understand that I must provide valid photo I.D to use




    • You can request your profile to be updated whenever you like, however for SEO reasons, there is a 7 day limit between updates.
    • Pictures can be added or removed every 7 days.



Special Pricing Offers

  • I understand that all offers are only valid at the time of the promotion unless specifically stated otherwise.


  • I understand that I will be re-invoiced at the correct current (at the time of re-invoicing) rates. However I may prepay to take advantage of any offers advertised.



Privacy & Cookies

We are committed to protecting your privacy. We will only use the information that we collect about you lawfully (in accordance with the relevant Data Protection Acts). We collect information about you for 2 reasons:

  • First, to process payments and maintain accounts..


  • Second, for analytical reasons mainly aimed at providing you with the best possible service.

We will never collect sensitive information about you without your explicit consent. The information we hold will be accurate and up to date. You can check the information that we hold about you by emailing us.

If you find any inaccuracies we will delete or correct it promptly. The personal information which we hold will be held securely in accordance with our internal security policy and the law.

You will be able to choose exactly what information is published.

Cookies are small digital signature files that are stored by your web browser that allow your preferences to be recorded when visiting the website.  Also they may be used to track your return visits to the website. No personally identifiable information is stored by us. Third party advertising companies may also use cookies for tracking purposes. You can browse websites with cookies switched off (and/or block third party cookies) by adjusting your web browser settings or preferences, however if you do so then our site may not function properly for you. You can also use your web browser’s settings or preferences to remove your cookies at any time, and some browsers will also have a setting that will enable them to be automatically deleted when you close it.  



Lifetime Packages

  When applicable.

  • We will host your website for as long as we are trading, and you are using it.


  • No additional fees for hosting will be payable for the life of the account unless you decide to add extra features or go over agreed limits, as set out in these Terms & Conditions.



Licensing Your Content

We are not in the business of stealing our users content. But would not be able to publish your site without this license. The small print is below (and not in small print unlike other sites).. You own what you upload… But to be able to host your website we must have a license to use your content. This is a similar license as you grant Facebook, Tumblr, & Google+ etc when you post on their websites. It allows us to host your website, blog or photo galleries on our servers for you to use.  

  • I understand and agree that this license covers all photos (including my fansign), videos and written works uploaded, sent to or transmitted via the staff, servers or services under the control of


  • I understand and agree that I retain responsibility, copyright and any other rights I already hold over content which I submit, post, transmit or display on or through, any website or services owned or run by


  • I understand and agree that by submitting, posting, displaying or transmitting any content, specified above, that I give a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to reproduce, adapt, modify, translate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute said content.



And Finally

  • I understand and accept that I can not hold liable for any loss of earnings, damages, or other liabilities, if the service becomes unavailable for any reason.


  • I understand and agree that while does everything it can to provide the services stated on their website, and within the scope of these terms and conditions, there are no guarantees that said services will be provided on an ongoing basis.


  • I understand and agree that this agreement shall be construed and governed in all respects in accordance with the Law of England and Wales and the English Courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction in respect of any disputes arising hereunder.