Create Your Beans

There are two ways to create your beans, either ‘locally’ on your computer or as password protected pages on our system.

In The Cloud

If you have paid for the add on “Create Beans In Our Cloud” you can use these links to create your beans now.

Please note these links will only work if you selected the Add On when you created your account.

Locally On Your Computer

If you are creating your beans on your computer these are the steps to follow.

Create a new folder (per bean) on your desktop or another location you will remember. Name the folder the exact title you want for your bean. So choose a good title.

Once you have created your folder, copy or move your pictures, between 15 and 20 is good, or 1 video into the folder.

You then need to decide on a price (between £5 – £7 is good to start with) and a description for the bean. Once you have come up with a good description, open a support ticket and send us the following details;

  • Bean Title
  • Bean Description
  • Bean Price
  • The exact Address of your page on our website, this begins…
  • A sample picture or screenshot from the video.

Once we have received all this information, we will add it to your page, so you can start selling. Once someone contacts you and pays the price, you send them the bean folder.