One of the most important things you can do, to earn more money, selling your naughty nudes, sextapes and worn panties is..

to make sure you have good sample pictures.


Sample Picture Tips


  • Only take your pictures in bright (day)light.
  • Use a proper camera, even a cheap one, as mobile pictures are very low quality and will harm your potential sales..
  • Take dedicated pictures for every sample set you need. Never use random shots taken at different times..



  • Don’t rush when taking pictures..
  • Try to use 10 – 15 high quality pictures per sample set..


Your sample pictures are what ‘sell’ you. If you don’t care enough to put some effort in to producing them, why should people pay you money. If you have poor sample pictures, guys will see the quality and just move on to another girl.

If you can hire a professional photographer, do it. Some will even shoot you free, if you are just starting out. Ask us if you would like a recommendation.

Good luck selling your sexy pictures, naughty videos and even worn panties!






  • If you are leaving a comment for one of our sellers, please be polite :-) and remember if you want to buy something, contact the seller directly, if possible. Look for an email address above..
  • Our sellers always appreciate nice comments, you can upload pictures now, but NO DICK PICS unless the seller requests them..
  • SELLERS -- If you want a comment removed from your page, just open a support ticket and let us know.
  • SELLERS -- Use your comments section regularly, you can post new content for sale, and even tease new pictures.








  • If you are leaving a comment for one of our sellers, please be polite :-) and remember if you want to buy something, contact the seller directly, if possible. Look for an email address above..
  • Our sellers always appreciate nice comments, you can upload pictures now, but NO DICK PICS unless the seller requests them..
  • SELLERS -- If you want a comment removed from your page, just open a support ticket and let us know.
  • SELLERS -- Use your comments section regularly, you can post new content for sale, and even tease new pictures.



